It starts off with the run, where volunteers, sponsors, and parents can throw paint at the kids, then continues with food and a dance party! We had a great time last year, and can't wait to participate again this year. We're hoping to have lots of MLSD runners this year!
Since many people haven't been into the studio to see the forms, the early registration deadline has been extended to August 12th. Please turn in your form and $25 registration fee to MLSD by noon on August 12th to guarantee you get a shirt, and to register for the lower early rate. Your registration fee includes the color-run t-shirt and one color packet. Additional color packets can be purchased when you register, and parents can order a t-shirt for $10 with their kid's registration. Registration continues until the day of the race, but the t-shirt isn't guaranteed and the fee goes up to $30 after August 12th.
Read more about the event on their website: http://www.washingtonstjuderun.org/kids-run.html
Download and print your registration form here:

Color_Run_Registration_Form_2015.pdf |