In addition to the headshots, autograph pages, and list of dance routines, we will be offering ad space to everyone. This is only an option. There is no need to purchase an ad to have your child's picture included in the program/yearbook. For those of you that are new to dance, this might need more explanation. Parents, grandparents, etc. will sometimes purchase some space in the back of the program to provide a personalize message to their children or grandchildren. It will often include a picture or two and a short personalized message to them. We want to offer this same service to our MLSD families and friends. This year, we will be charging for programs as well. We tried to keep the cost to a point where it remains affordable, but also helps us to offset the costs of producing the programs. We will be charging $10 per program.
The attached flyer includes the order form for ad space and a form for pre-order of programs. Paper copies are available with our Receptionist as well. Anyone who would like to place an ad for a business is certainly welcome to as well. Black and white ads inside the program will be the same price for businesses. If a business is interested in a premium full page color ad (inside front cover, inside back cover, or outside back cover), please have them contact Dan Pritchard directly. The prices for full color ads is not listed on the flyer.
NOTE: Papers with just the Performance Line-up will be available at the doors of the Recital. These program/yearbooks are optional, but a great keepsake for the kids and families.

MLSD Recital Ad Form |